Codility is a website designed for screening programmers. It caters to employers and job seekers/coding enthusiasts. The employers can avail a free trial and register to use the website as a testing platform for screening developers/software engineers and job seekers can use the lessons and challenges to improve coding skills. Since its established that codility is a technical recruitment site, let us understand what kind of tests they deliver? and which group of employers are most likely to use this site? What are codility tests? Codility tests are timed competitive programming questions used for developer/software engineer recruitment. They have a different levels of questions from basic to expert level. A typical test has three questions which have to be completed in the time specified. A test generally goes like this: First the website shows you how to use its interface for the test. Then a question along w...
This blog contains series of python solutions(with 100% scores to most of the solutions) for the codility practice lessons in python